Can We Guess Your Sexiest Feature Based on Your Favorite Colors?
Can We Guess Your Sexiest Feature Based on Your Favorite Colors?
Let's see just how alluring you are.
Let's see just how alluring you are.

Which color are you most drawn to?
Which color in this painting do you like most?
Which color in this image makes you happiest?
Which watercolor do you like best?
Which color is your favorite?
Which color from this painting do you like best?
If you had to choose a crayon color, which would you pick?
What color in this painting do you like?
Which color is your favorite from this piece of artwork?
What shade do you like best from this painting?
Your Jawline
Your Jawline
You got Your Jawline! You have bold features and make a statement whenever you walk into a room. You are very classically attractive and people are easily drawn to you.
Those Eyes
Those Eyes
You got Those Eyes! Your eyes are breathtaking. You've got soulful, alluring eyes that we can't stop staring it. People have told you this, it's not news to you. Just keep on batting those beauties.
Your Stunning Smile
Your Stunning Smile
You got Your Stunning Smile! You have a shining smile that lights up a room! You've always been a little OCD about keep your teeth sparkling and boy has it paid off. You're grin is adorable.
That Hourglass Body
That Hourglass Body
You got That Hourglass Body! It's hard to pick just one of your features, because you've got a great bod! You've got a classic hourglass body shape that pretty much everything looks good on. Lucky for you!
Your Luscious Locks
Your Luscious Locks
You got Your Luscious Locks! You have luxuriously soft, dare we say perfect hair. You barely have to spend any time on your hairstyle because you've got a gorgeous natural wave going on.
Your Strong Arms
Your Strong Arms
You got Your Strong Arms! You take care of your body and it shows. Especially in those guns of yours. No one rocks a sleeveless top or tank better than you. Toned doesn't begin to describe it.