How Well Do You Know Classic Rock?
How Well Do You Know Classic Rock?
Are you an true Classic Rock fan or are you a poser in a leather jacket?
Are you an true Classic Rock fan or are you a poser in a leather jacket?

Created by Lois
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10
Which female rocker was one of the only of her time?
2 / 10
Who wrote this lyric: "And she's buying a stairway to heaven."
3 / 10
Which major city has a classic rock band named after it?
4 / 10
Who was in the English rock band The Rolling Stones?
5 / 10
If you were going to an Aerosmith concert in their prime, what decade would it be?
6 / 10
Which is NOT a classic rock band?
7 / 10
Who wrote the song Hotel California?
8 / 10
Which line is not from Journey's "Don't Stop Believin"?
9 / 10
Which band is performing in this photo?
10 / 10
Which band was Gene Simmons in?
Questions left
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