Which Bob Dylan Song Are You?
Which Bob Dylan Song Are You?
Are you rolling like a rolling stone or heartsick for that lost lover? Just how well does Dylan get you?
Are you rolling like a rolling stone or heartsick for that lost lover? Just how well does Dylan get you?

Which hat would you wear?
How often do you get moody?
Which part of the country are you from?
Choose a place to road trip.
Pick your poison.
How many times have you been broken hearted?
What's your greatest treasure?
If you had to choose one album to listen to for the rest of your life which would you choose?
Which lakeside activity is your favorite?
How much of a Bob Dylan fan are you?
Like A Rolling Stone
Like A Rolling Stone
You got Like A Rolling Stone! You're a nomad, a traveler at heart. You're ready to get out of the nest and explore the world; to fall in love and back out again. You have a zest for life that many lose as young kids. You don't understand why some people settle for less when they could fight for the best.
Mr. Tambourine Man
Mr. Tambourine Man
You got Mr. Tambourine Man! You're not sure what you want to do with your life. You feel stuck and unsure of where to go and what to do next. Life can be daunting, as you're realizing, and you need some direction. You're looking for someone or something to show you and they just might be around the bend, so keep your eyes peeled.
The Times, They Are A Changin'
The Times, They Are A Changin'
You got The Times, They Are A Changin'. You're a skeptic and feel things very deeply. You're worried about the future and the state of our generation. You have many passions and a heart for justice. You're always willing to stand up for the little guy and speak up in times of trouble.
Wedding Song
Wedding Song
You got Wedding Song! You're a romantic down to your very toes. You love love and all the lovely feelings that come along with it. Poetry speaks to you and you've become very creative and thoughtful as the years have gone by. You have either fallen for someone already or are going to very soon.
It Ain't Me Babe
It Ain't Me Babe
You got It Ain't Me Babe! You're recently spurned or out of a toxic relationship. While you're still a little bitter, you've rediscovered yourself and your self worth. You deserve someone who doesn't expect you to be something you're not. Take some time and fall in love with your life again.