Which Comedy Queen Is Your Soul Sister?
Which Comedy Queen Is Your Soul Sister?
Everybody needs a hilarious BFF.
Everybody needs a hilarious BFF.

Where would be your favorite place to live?
Which appetizer do you split with the girls?
What do you toast to before diving in?
Which Gif would you send to a crush?
You texted someone and they haven't responded for 12 hours. You...
Which comedy show can you be found watching on a night in?
Which role do you play in your friend group?
What is your current relationship status?
How would you spend $1000?
Which word best describes your comedy?
Amy Schumer
Amy Schumer
You got Amy Schumer! You are unfiltered and brash in the best way. You aren't afraid to call things out that people are uncomfortable talking about. You like putting a wrench in things and questioning the status quo.
Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler
You got Chelsea Handler! You are very real and you're not afraid to speak your mind. Some of your jokes are borderline offensive, but roasting people is funny so who cares! You're direct and unapologetic. Although you are very critical about what's going on in the world, you try to make light of bad situations with laughs.
Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman
You got Sarah Silverman! You like making people uncomfortable. You thrive on the feeling of going too far or saying too much. You're incredibly confident and don't care what people think of you.
Mindy Kaling
Mindy Kaling
You got Mindy Kaling! Your sense of humor is more situational, day to day. You find the funny in everyday life. You're not trying to be bold or outrageous, but true to yourself.
Tina Fey
Tina Fey
You got Tina Fey! You are known for being lovably awkward. You are super easy to get along with and you make everyone smile. You're hilarious in person, but you are even funnier on paper. You are an incredibly talented comedian and writer. One day, you will make it big! SNL here you come.
Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
You got Leslie Jones! You've always been the most outgoing of your friends. You love adventure and being ridiculous. You've never worried about what people will think or if you need to fit into their idea of what a person should be.