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Which Female Role Model Are You?

Which bada$$ lady is your inner soul sister?

Created by Lois
On Mar 29, 2017

What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

If you could be anything, which field would it be in?

What's your favorite thing to do with your ladies on a Friday night?

Which movie could you just not look away?

When you were little, what was your favorite toy?

Which political party would you probably side with?

Which form of exercise do you prefer?

What do you think about these hoverboards?

Quick. Choose a side.

If you could be in a band for one day which would it be?

Which cause are you most passionate about?



You got Oprah! You've got a lot of spirit and wisdom about you. People come to you for advice and often help in tough situations. You don't rely on anyone else; you're an independent woman. You like to empower other people to achieve their dreams and get out of whatever hole they're stuck in through your words of encouragement.

Hillary Clinton!

Hillary Clinton!

You got Hillary Clinton! You're a force to be reckoned with. You don't let what people say about you affect you and you power through the hard times towards what you know is right. You've got big aspirations and don't let petty men hold you back from your career goals.

Amy Poehler!

Amy Poehler!

You got Amy Poehler! You're a lovable goofball with a heart of gold. You love nothing more than to make the people around you laugh and you radiate joy. You also don't shy away from tough topics and like to use whatever voice you do have for those that don't have their own. You also happen to be super talented as well.



You got Beyonce! You're fierce and you know it. Everyone around you knows it. Your Mom. Your S/O. Your teachers. You love attention but aren't self-centered by any means. You just know your assets and talents and how to utilize them. It's a gift that should not be taken for granted. You also happen to be incredibly insightful and have a heart for the needy.

Audrey Hepburn!

Audrey Hepburn!

You got Audrey Hepburn! You're quieter than most but you've got a deep spirit about you and your heart is devoted to the needy. You love to spend your time helping others and spend very little thinking about yourself. You would consider yourself an introvert, but you dearly love the people closest to you.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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