Which Harry Potter Character Is Most Like Your Significant Other?
Which Harry Potter Character Is Most Like Your Significant Other?
Everyone has their HP alter ego, but what's your other half's?
Everyone has their HP alter ego, but what's your other half's?

What house would your S/O be in?
If your S/O found a bag of gold coins in the street, they would...
How did your S/O originally ask you out?
When your S/O laughs, what do they do?
When you met your S/O, what did you first notice about them?
What is your S/O's least favorite type of party?
What is your S/O's favorite reality show?
Has your S/O ever bought you flowers?
Which scene in the Harry Potter series made your S/O the most emotional?
Which Diagon Alley shop does your S/O always stop in?
Neville Longbottom
Neville Longbottom
You got Neville Longbottom! You're s/o is kind of a shy and quiet. They like to be on their own and don't need a lot of attention. They are, however, incredibly selfless and loyal to you and the people they love. Even strangers. They're braver than they look, so who care's if they've got the tough exterior?
Oliver Wood
Oliver Wood
You got Oliver Wood! You snagged the hottie. Congratulations! Your s/o is athletic, charming, and a strong leader. They're pretty competitive and don't take disappointment well, but they're always looking out for you. Just remember you'll always be second to their favorite sport ; ).
Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
You got Draco Malfoy! Your s/o is kind of a jerk, let's be honest. They flirt with other people, forget important anniversaries, and let you down constantly. They don't put you first and nobody has ever called them selfless. I think it's time you put yourself back on the market.
You got Hagrid! You're s/o is a big lovable sweetheart. They might not be gorgeous or striking, but they've got a heart of gold. They don't need you to be anything but yourself and they love you with their whole heart. You snagged a good one, hold on to them and make sure they know how special they are.
Luna Lovegood
Luna Lovegood
You got Luna Lovegood! You're s/o is quirky, whatever that means. They like doing their own thing and could care less about what people think of them. They've got unconventional hobbies and style and like to go on adventures with you. You're lucky, you found an original!
Fred & George Weasley
Fred & George Weasley
You got Fred & George Weasley! You're s/o is the class clown and their sense of humor is what drew them to you in the first place. They might not take things seriously enough, but that is their greatest flaw. They love to have a good time and take you along for the ride.