Which Otherworldly Character Are You?
Which Otherworldly Character Are You?
Where do you truly belong?
Where do you truly belong?

Which color represents your current state of emotion?
What is your ideal weather day?
What position do you take in a team?
What is your relationship status?
Where have you always wanted to travel?
Which word best describes you?
Which type of film do you find most intriguing?
When was the last time you did something risky?
If you had to choose a religion which would you choose?
What legacy do you hope to leave behind?
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
You got Hermione Granger from Harry Potter! You're the brains in your friend group. You happen to be one of those rare people who is not only book smart but also street smart. You can get out of almost any situation. You also have a heart for people and are a good empathizer.
C-3PO from Star Wars
C-3PO from Star Wars
You got C-3PO from Star Wars! You are a helper. You like to serve others in any way you can and be of use. Productivity is of the utmost importance to you and you will put your life at risk for a friend if necessary.
Bellwether from Zootopia
Bellwether from Zootopia
You got Bellwether from Zootopia! You can be a bit of a pushover and tend to stand in the background. People frequently underestimate what you have to offer. However, you are an asset because of your people skills and your ability to communicate.
Neo from The Matrix
Neo from The Matrix
You got Neo from The Matrix! You are shy and tend to keep quiet. People often don't notice you and you prefer it that way. You like to watch and process the world around you and you are very introspective.
Cobb from Inception
Cobb from Inception
You got Cobb from Inception! You can come a little unhinged at times. Your emotions get the best of you and you feel things very deeply. You often think about the deeper meaning behind things. When you fall for someone you fall hard and have a hard time seeing the reality of what is going on.
Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max
Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max
You got Imperator Furiosa from Mad Max! You do what needs to get done. You don't mind handling the dirty work or hurting someone's feelings. You are incredibly protective and you don't worry about what other people will think. You're the tough guy.