Who Should You Vote For To Be the Next President?
Who Should You Vote For To Be the Next President?
We all need help with this one, right?
We all need help with this one, right?

How do you feel about the presidential election right now?
Which issue do you care about the most?
If someone asked you today how you truly feel about women's rights, what would you say?
What kind of car do you drive?
Guns are...
Who is your favorite President from the past?
How old are you?
What is your financial situation?
What is your greatest worry?
How likely are you to be voting this November?
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
You got Donald Trump! You are a semi-traditional conservative. You want to protect our country from "outsiders" at all costs and fix our financial crisis ASAP. You've always gone against the grain and don't mind sharing your opinions, even if it ruffles a few feathers.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
You got Hillary Clinton! You want to crack down on a lot of things, specifically protecting women's health issues and rights as well as gun laws and immigration reform. You've always been liberal and pretty modern with your thinking.
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders
You got Bernie Sanders! You are a liberal who sees things differently. You're not a fan of big government and want to protect our young people and our environment. You want to even out taxes and health care so that everyone gets the same treatment. Your mind is people based.
You got Yourself! You don't know what to do with this Presidential election. You don't side with ANY one politician on the campaign trail and you don't see a positive ending to this. You wish you could just move to Canada already.