Which Character Are You Most Like In Until Dawn?

Eight friends are stranded at a ski lodge until dawn with murderous creatures roaming the hills. Can they survive or not? Take this quiz and find out who you would be in this situation.

Created by Lois (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 10, 2015

What Is Your Clothing Essential?

How Would You Describe Yourself?

What Is Your Dream Job?

Do You Consider Yourself Easy To Scare?

What Would You Do First When You Reach The Cabin?

There's A Killer After You And Your Friends, Are You Alone Or With Someone Else?

Which Weapon Do you Grab To Defend Yourself With?

There's a Windego Close By What Do You Do?

Choose A Butterfly And See How It Effects Your Result



Your friends describe you as laid back, flirty and playful with a mischievous side. Your not afraid to flaunt your sexuality and can attract many admirers with your fun-loving nature. However, this is often just a façade to allow you to shield your insecurities. Despite being defensive and fierce if provoked, towards animals you are undoubtedly caring and compassionate.



It may be surprising to some that you are quite intelligent as you are mostly known for your sharp tongue and withering put-downs. You have an overwhelming passion for fashion and show deep remorse for the loss of life. In dangerous situations you feel the need to be protected and you will only protect yourself if necessary. But if you end up on your own you can be resourceful and show desiring courage.



Known for your promiscuous nature and hate of commitment, you are very popular among your peers. Since your never not surrounded by friends or admirers, you have development a fear of isolation. You are always first to volunteer and make suggestions as your main attributes are intelligence, persuasion and determination.



You are a very caring and loving person who likes to ensure that everyone has a good time. You tend to act humorous in your interactions and are constantly quoting movies. Despite your thoughtful nature, you can become quite down sometimes and even depressed. But, you know that your spirits can be lifted again by spending time with friends and loved ones.



You are known for being a fiercely loyal friend with a huge heart. However, your low level of bravery can lead to you being a pushover in some situations. Out of your friends you may not be the smartest but you can rely on your better qualities of being motivated, ambitious and athletic to get you to where you want to be in life.



You are a lover of reading who is most likely to be found at a library with your nose in a book. All this reading has left you with a wild imagination that can lead you to believe in supernatural explanations despite you being a very observant person. Your friends and family would describe you as an academic, inquisitive, and forthright person who shows courage in the face of a potential threat.



You may be classed a stereotypical "nerd" due to your love of gadgets and gizmos but you don't mind as it your life long dream to work in the technological industry. Your most notable characteristics are generosity, curiosity and humour but you can also be very analytical at times. People find you to be good-natured, friendly and easy to talk to which results in you having a number of close friends.



You are the most friendly and level-headed out of your friend group and therefore you are rarely the cause drama. You are a nature enthusiast who can be seen as little quirky to others but you are comfortable in your own skin. You are a pacifist with a warm and caring personality. However, you wont shy away from violence if it is needed to save you or your friends.

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