Which Animal Jam Youtuber Are you?
Which Animal Jam Youtuber Are you?
There are many AJ youtubers out there. But which one are you?
Aparri, WisteriaMoon, Julian2, or Bepper?
There are many AJ youtubers out there. But which one are you?
Aparri, WisteriaMoon, Julian2, or Bepper?

To start off, whats your favorite color?
Okay, should've mentioned this before, but there are mes hidden everywhere in this quiz. Can you find all of them?
(I am the yellow llama that looks like this)
Do you play Animal Jam every single day?
What Animal Jam major meme are you a part of?
When your in the pillow room, what do you discuss with the other jammers?
Choose a random screenshot:
(doesn't count toward score)
Did you find all the mes?
(Also doesn't count toward score)
You are Aparri! Easily the most famous Animal Jam youtuber out there! Congrats! You have so many fans you don't even know what to do with them! Everywhere you go you are constantly surrounded by them!
But, most important of all, you are the swag master!
My account: Happyllamadayz
Thanks for taking my quiz!
Your strange, but cool. You have created the honorable Spinny Boiz! You're easily the most intelligent of the famous jammers! You find the tiniest details that no one else notices! You are an awesome, quirky person but that's totally okay, especially for Animal Jam!
My account: Happyllamadayz
Thanks for taking my quiz beans!
Your cool, snazzy, kind generous and always see the bright side of things. You are weird and your awesome intro is: "Hey guys its Wisteriamoooooooon!"
Yep, there is no one quite like you.
My account: Happyllamadayz
Thanks for taking my quiz!
You're generous, kind, creative, and super rare! You make awesome dens, have a unique personality, and you're just plain original!
My account: Happyllamadayz
Thanks for taking my quiz!