The ULTIMATE Should I Stay With My Boyfriend Quiz
The ULTIMATE Should I Stay With My Boyfriend Quiz
Are you having doubts about what to do?
Are you having doubts about what to do?
How do you feel about your boyfriend when you come in from work?
When you think of the future what would you prefer it involved?
When you think of being single what word jumps out?
What are your priorities in life?
What words are most important in a relationship
Look at these quotes which one do you believe
Which picture represents how satisfied you feel?
What annoying habit of his can't you stand
Look at this picture, who else is in the canoe?
Start a new adventure
Start a new adventure
It could be time to bite the bullet and start a new chapter in your life. Things probably haven't been good for a while and you've been putting off this big moment for weeks, months or even years now. Take the time to think about it but deep down you know what your gut is telling you. After all being single excites you so embrace that feeling and take your time to understand whether your relationship is bringing out the best in you.
Stay still
Stay still
Perhaps you and your partner haven't been seeing eye to eye recently and you are close to the end of your tether, however you share so much and really need to think about your decision. Compromise is part of any relationship but the question is whether you are ready. You might dream of the perfect life but you have to accept not everyone is perfect and for a relationship to work there needs to be room to move. Invest some time in talking through the big issues with your relationship and it might help you figure out the answers to all those questions you have.
Stay another day
Stay another day
You and your partner are inseparable. No matter what problems you face you can always overcome them. Don't loose sight of things when time gets tough, your results clearly show you know what you are looking for in a relationship. You love your partner and couldn't imagine a day without them even if it does involve the odd bickering over who is doing the washing up!