Do You Remember The Advice From All Your Favourite Children's Books?
Do You Remember The Advice From All Your Favourite Children's Books?
How well can you remember these moral stories?
How well can you remember these moral stories?

Which book teaches us to focus on what you have and to not dwell on the bad?
Which book does that quote belong to?
Which book explores the subject of kindness?
Which quote is this book from?
Which book tells us to not judge others by their appearance?
Which book does this quote belong to?
Which story tells us you never know what other people have in their closets?
Which book is this quote from?
Which book teaches us not to be afraid to think big?
The moral of which story is if you care about something, take action to protect it?
Which book teaches us that "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live?"
Which book is this quote from?
Which wonderful piece of advice from a children's class does this quote belong to?