Only 6% Of People Can Pass This Colour Memory Test
Only 6% Of People Can Pass This Colour Memory Test
Do you have a photographic memory?
Do you have a photographic memory?

Concentrate on every image in this quiz
What colour was the girls hair bonnet?
Focus on the details of this image
What colour is the cloth the girl is sitting on in the previous picture?
Take a close look at the colours in this picture
What colour was the middle swan in the previous picture?
Take a look at this colourful Picasso picture
What colour are the fingernails in the previous Picasso?
What colour are the woman's eyes in the previous painting?
Study this picture closely
What colour was the woman's dress?
What colour was the mattress in the previous picture?
What colour robe does the man to the right of Jesus have?
You are in the top 6%
You are in the top 6%
Congratulations you are in the top 6% of people who have an excellent colour memory. This means you have very detailed memories, and the stories you tell people are often rich in detail and perfectly remembered.
You are in the 94%
You are in the 94%
Better luck next time! You join 94% of people on this colour memory test. To improve your colour memory, lie in bed each night and visualise what happened that day in as much detail as you can. With practice, you'll join the 6% in no time.