The Definitive Facebook Personality Test
The Definitive Facebook Personality Test
We've all got one, what's yours?
We've all got one, what's yours?

Your friend posts this meme. What do you do?
Would you share this gif?
Facebook is...
Would this regularly pop up on your news feed?
Seflies are...
Your Facebook cover photo is most like...
How often would this kind of quote appear on your Facebook?
Would you take this sort of photo?
How much information do people know about you?
The Diarist
The Diarist
You have a lot on your mind and even more so on your Facebook page. You treat FB like your personal diary, writing everything that happens to you on it. You're not too fussed by silly concepts like 'privacy' and like to share absolutely everything - from your life to stupid memes that make you laugh. People usually know what you've had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, who you like and dislike, the adventures you get into and the boring days you have. You thrive off the constant feedback from likes and chatty comments, and have a huge network of people you interact with on a day to day basis - what better way to stay in touch?!
The Animal Lover
The Animal Lover
You spam Facebook with your furry friend at every second of the day. You don't take yourself very seriously on Facebook and rather use it as a platform to express how much your cat means to you. Your profile picture doesn't even show your face but people sure know what your dog looks like!
The Celebrity
The Celebrity
Your Facebook profile is perfectly curated work of art designed to show you at your very best at all times. You're the master of the selfie, you've turned writing a status into a craft - even the articles you share are picked to reflect you in your very best light. It's a tough but rewarding hobby though, you reap likes for every tiny thing you do and what's the point of a social media profile if not to show your best self[ie]?
Health Guru
Health Guru
You've just read a fascinating article on the medical journal and want to share it with the world - where else do you go to share it but Facebook? You can't understand why everyone is raving about walnuts when it is almonds that are the real deal. You're showing off your new running trainers, logging your runs and sharing your times through Facebook daily. You delight in your entire feed sharing your joy as you post your progress pics for fitspiration. You live that [muscle emoji] life!
Embarassing Mum
Embarassing Mum
Yep. That is you. You are the embarrassing mum of Facebook. You just love celebrating all your family and friends achievements as publicly as possible. There's nothing you enjoy more than connecting with your children's friends on Facebook and commenting on all their pictures of your children. Or posting embarrassing pictures yourself for all of them to see! Whatever you do, you're just pleased to be able to show your kids how much you love them all the time.
Keyboard Warrior
Keyboard Warrior
Facebook is a powerful amplifying tool - and you're determined to use it to fight your political corner no matter what. If any political jargon slips up on your feed you are the first to comment. Israel-Palestine, Trump-Clinton, Corbyn or Cameron, you have got an opinion on it all and LOVE causing a scuffle on this social bubble. You never back down, will start comment threads that go on for days - or until someone gets blocked, anyway. You comment on newspaper sites, on brand sites, on friends', families', celebrity dog's FB pages evangelising your political message until the cows come home.