Which Netflix Series Will Reflect Your 2017?
Which Netflix Series Will Reflect Your 2017?
Which favorite Netflix series represents how your year is heading?
Which favorite Netflix series represents how your year is heading?

This year began...
If someone was to describe you at the moment, what word would be a perfect fit?
In 2017, what causes you most anxiety?
You tend to mainly be around which people?
You are at a dinner party and all of your friends are invited, what do you dine?
What do you want to achieve this year?
Your weekends are spent...
If you could have one wish this year, what would it be?
A Series of Unfortunate Events
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Just like A Serious of Unfortunate Events, this year will be a rocky rollercoaster. This year started with an unexpected surprise and the year will continue to keep surprising you. You might not have a Lemminy Snicket in your life but obsticles will be thrown at you but due to your strong connection with your family you can overcome anything with patience, talent and intuition.
Stranger Things
Stranger Things
This year will be full of stranger things. You might not be faced with aliens and wild creatures but unexpected circumstances will prevail. Your friendship group is so important and sticking together is what will help you get through any difficult times. The love you and your friends share also means this year you will have the time of your lives. Love, loyalty and perserverance are in your cards for this year so enjoy everything 2017 throws at you.
The Crown
The Crown
This year you will be given a heavy responsability just like Elizabeth I in The Crown. It is time to take the reigns and become the person you were truly meant to be. It might seem scary at first but deep down you know you can do it. Keep your loved ones near and your enemies even closer. This year will be monumental but the rewards will be worth all the hard work.
Black Mirror
Black Mirror
You might tend to feel like you are in a virtual reality as every day of your life presents a new opportunity or challenge. You have no routine set for the year and you are ready to embrace everything life throws at you. Keep your technology close to you as this will be your saving grace this year, however don't forget to switch off or you might find yourself entering another kind of strange reality. Be ready for change and enjoy every moment of it.