Which Robert De Niro Character Do You Become When You Get Mad?
Which Robert De Niro Character Do You Become When You Get Mad?
You talkin' to me?
You talkin' to me?

You have just learned that your best friend has stolen money from you, what is your initial reaction?
When you get mad, where do you feel it the most?
How long does it take you to react to situations when you are mad?
Who would you feel most betrayed by?
What would be the weapon of your choice?
What would make you really tick?
In life, what is more important?
What is your technique of mediating a situation?
Which are your crazy eyes?
What would be punishment for making you mad?
Vito Corleone from The Godfather II
Vito Corleone from The Godfather II
Cool, calm and collected, just like Vito Carlone when you are mad, you are the last person that people want to cross. When you are mad you are composed and won't let people know how you really feel. People might think they have gotten away with betrayal but your quietness and silence is a killer. You will never react to a situation that makes you tick but making the guilty victim suffer through being outlawed or complete rejection is enough to make anyone lose their sanity and come crawling back for forgiveness.
Jack Byrnes from Meet the Parents
Jack Byrnes from Meet the Parents
Just like Jack Byrnes, you are possibly the worst person to cross when things take a turn for the ugly. Rather than screaming and having it out, you will consciously look and think of ways to make the person who has crossed you live a life of hell. Still waters run deep and your skills in tactical thinking and exacting revenge should be enough to make anyone cautious of crossing you.
Mike Vronsky from The Deer Hunter
Mike Vronsky from The Deer Hunter
When the rage ticks, you transform into the no-nonsense, serious leader Mike Vronsky. You're unpredictable and can blow up at any minute. You might act cool, calm and collected but be warned that just behind your finger is the trigger of a gun waiting to go off at any moment.
Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
You have a short temper and when you tick you transform into the problematic Travis Bickle. People definitely do not want to cross you because when you're angry your split personality comes out. You can be completely irrational and erratic when things don't go your way. You are incredibly loyal and always want to see the best in people but once somebody lets you down, there is no going back and the best place is to be far from your fury.