Super Bowl Food Facts You Won't Believe Are Actually True
Super Bowl Food Facts You Won't Believe Are Actually True
So how much are we scarfing down for the big game? The numbers will surprise you.
So how much are we scarfing down for the big game? The numbers will surprise you.
It's no secret that football fans like to eat on Super Bowl Sunday... like, a LOT. What most people don't know is exactly how much we eat before, during and after the big game. The numbers are pretty ridiculous.
An average Super Bowl fan enjoying a light meal.
The only other day of the year when people eat more food is Thanksgiving. This doesn't' exactly help with keeping off the pounds since Thanksgiving through Super Bowl Sunday is basically one two-month long buffet. According to a study by Cornell University, the average American will scarf down at least 2,400 calories during the game and this doesn't even account for tailgating parties that happen throughout the day which can balloon our calorie intake to as much as 4,000-5,000 calories on Sunday.
Basically, most of us transform into Fat Bastard on Super Bowl Sunday.
So, how do all those calories add up and how much food are Super Bowl fans eating? Well...
Don't think about those calories too much though.
Sure, it's a lot of food and maybe you don't need that extra chicken wing, but indulge. The Super Bowl only comes once a year after all.