The Cincinnati Zoo Isn't Laughing At Your Harambe Memes
The Cincinnati Zoo Isn't Laughing At Your Harambe Memes
The memes have gotten so bad the zoo has left social media
The memes have gotten so bad the zoo has left social media
Internet News Report
Three months have passed since officials at the Cincinnati Zoo had to shoot Harambe the gorilla after a child fell into his enclosure and people are still making jokes about it.
Everyday Internet Jokester
It's what Harambe would have wanted.
Internet News Report
This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Earlier this week, the Cincinnati Zoo deleted its social media accounts in an effort to stop people from bombarding them with memes and harsh words.
Everyday Internet Jokester
Internet News Report
Yes, as you may have noticed Harambe memes, jokes and signs have been EVERYWHERE over the summer. For example...
"Dude's literally eating Harambe and people are gonna vote for him???"
Everyday Internet Jokester
Damn, that's dark! I kinda feel bad for laughing at that one.
Internet News Report
Oh there's more.
"Using Harambe as a rush tool. #TFM"
"Getting a Harambe face tattoo later today, a la Gucci Mane."
Everyday Internet Jokester
Hey, isn't that the douche CEO who jacked up the price of AIDS medicine?
Internet News Report
It is, but moving on...
"The best thing about being this high up, is being closer to him #justiceforharambe"
"I took this as the storms went through Defiance. Harambe?! Is that you?! "
Everyday Internet Jokester
I'm dying over here! Sorry.
Internet News Report
Well, the zoo isn't laughing about it.
"We are not amused by the memes, petitions and signs about Harambe," Thane Maynard, Cincinnati Zoo director, wrote to the Associated Press. "Our zoo family is still healing, and the constant mention of Harambe makes moving forward more difficult for us."
Everyday Internet Jokester
Okay, I get that. But it seems like deleting their Twitter and asking people to stop with the memes is sorta like an uptight old man yelling at kids to get off the lawn and would just fuel more memes.
"@CincinnattiZoo Deleting your original twitter account and starting a new one won't allow you to hide from the internet. . #Harambe"
Internet News Report
That's pretty much what's been happening. It's also been used to spread hurtful and racist messages. Just a few days ago SNL cast member Leslie Jones was hacked with people posting nude photos and pictures comparing her to Harambe on her website.
Everyday Internet Jokester
Ouch. That's not cool.
Internet News Report
Neither is flooding Cincinnati Zoo director Thane Maynard's Twitter account with so many jokes an insults that he deletes his own in addition to the zoo's.
"If you think you have it bad, be happy you don't run the Cincinnati Zoo Twitter account. "
Internet News Report
The hashtag #justiceforharambe is being used to spread both a 500,000 signiture strong petition for holding the boy's parents accountable for the exhibit and for jokes, almost turning Harambe into a modern day Rickroll.
Everyday Internet Jokester
So, now what? No more Harambe jokes?
Internet News Report
It's quickly moving into the area of bad taste, but that's never stopped the internet from beating a dead horse before.
Everyday Internet Jokester
Don't you mean a dead gorilla?
Internet News Report
And point made.