How well do you know the lyrics of This Town by Niall Horan ?

Can you complete the lyrics of This Town ? Let's see it !

Created by Lorevival (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 15

Waking up to ___ you and nobody's there

2 / 15

The smell of your ___ still stuck in the air

3 / 15

Yesterday I thought I saw your ___ running 'round

4 / 15

It's ___ how things never change in this old town

5 / 15

And I want to tell you everything, the words I never got to say the ___ time around

6 / 15

And I remember everything, from when we were the children playing in this ___

7 / 15

Wish I was ___ with you now

8 / 15

'Cause if the whole world was watching I'd still ___ with you

9 / 15

Over and over the only truth, ___ comes back to you

10 / 15

I ___ that you moved on with someone new

11 / 15

In the ___ that we met he's got his arms around you

12 / 15

You still make me ___ when you walk in the room

13 / 15

Them butterflies, they come alive when I'm ___ you

14 / 15

And I know that it's ___, that I can't move on

15 / 15

But there's something about ___

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