Are You A Chocolate Cake, A Bar Or A Praline?
Are You A Chocolate Cake, A Bar Or A Praline?
The most delicious quiz is here, ready to take it?
The most delicious quiz is here, ready to take it?
Pick ypur favorite chocolate type!
Pick your favorite filling!
Pick your favorite hot beverage!
Pick your favorite chocolate snack!
How many times a week do you eat chocolate?
What's your favorite form of chocolate?
Are you hungry by now?
You're a chocolate bar!
You're a chocolate bar!
Your sweetness is very neat, one can tell where you start and where you end. One cube of you fills the mouth with an insanity that makes want to more of you.
But if someone tries to take everything, he will feel very bad about himself.
You're a chocolate cake!
You're a chocolate cake!
From the outside, you may be tough, but inside you are soft and warm. A little bite from you drives the senses crazy! You prefer heat than cold, and you're even sweeter with powdered sugar!
You're a chocolate praline!
You're a chocolate praline!
You look small and innocent, but as soon as you are touched one realizes - you're full of goodness! There are many similar to you in the world, but you are special and unusual, with your specific composition that just makes all the difference!