Witch Cartoon Network Charctar are you

This is a fun quiz test you and your freinds you can be any old or new shows. Dont forget to subscribe THX. AND NONE OF THESE QUESTIONS ARE PREDICTABLE i promise ;)

Louie King
Created by Louie King(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 22, 2015

Lets Start.What is your personality type

Are you a BOY are a GIRL

What is your reaction when favorite Charctar dies

Here is a random question. if you could choose food are your Grandmother who would you choose?

LOL this is make no sense LOL JK choose

Will you comment

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Your Outrages Corsages Fun and a Big adventurer. Like Me



Your a Cool Talking dog That can stretch and morph into stuff COOL



Your a dog who can talk ride bikes ECT. more or less a hairy 12 year old ...

Johnny Test

Johnny Test

You are a trouble maker that would do anything for action and attention

Robin Teen Titans GO

Robin Teen Titans GO

You are the Robin from the 2nd series cartoony fun version of the real robin from the 1st series

Robin Teen titans

Robin Teen titans

Your cool serious UNLIKE the new Robin



Your fun and love to be annoying But can have a fun party if needed



Your Dexter you are smart clever and somewhat notty

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021