These Dogs Were Left To Die In An Empty House, But When Rescuers Showed Up They Still Wagged Their Tales

You might want to give up on humanity, but dogs always see the very best in us

Louise Belcher
Created by Louise Belcher
On Aug 10, 2016

Guardians Of Rescue help a lot of dogs in bad situations, but this one was pretty terrible. Some neighbors called about two dogs howling and crying in a house next door. When the Guardians arrived, they found an empty house and two abandoned Pit Bulls, one of whom had been locked in a crate

Poor lil pup!


Another Pit Bull had been left, locked in the house but roaming around. The rescuers approached the dogs carefully, but the free Pit who turned out to be Male, wagged his tail a little bit. The rescuers knew that the dogs were friendly!

Someone needs a cuddle!


The rescuers knew that the dogs would have starved if neighbors hadn't been throwing food into the house through a window, but the pair have recovered incredibly well. The lady now has a happy home and the boy is settles at a great foster! Nice going, Guardians of Rescue!

Everyone got a happy ending!

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021