Which Coping Mechanism Should You Use To Get Through Thanksgiving?
Which Coping Mechanism Should You Use To Get Through Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and lets be honest; it's incredibly stressful. So how are you going to handle it this year? In nine questions you'll know!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and lets be honest; it's incredibly stressful. So how are you going to handle it this year? In nine questions you'll know!

You're on your way home when you hit some serious travel delays. What do you do?
You finally make it to your parents house. Your terrible Uncle Steve greets you in the kitchen. You--
Mom wants help with the cooking, but she keeps on giving your different instructions.
Dad wants you to set the table...
It's finally dinner time! You all gather to say grace around the table and start to eat. Uncle Steve says something negative about the food--
Your Dad makes a slightly un PC joke. No one laughs but him.
Someone brings up the election...
Dinner is over! Dad invites you to play a friendly game of touch football, but your stupid brother dump tackles you
What are you looking forward to next year?
Have a sneaky cigarette
Have a sneaky cigarette
No it's not good for you, and yes you shouldn't do it, and we are not encouraging bad habits BUT on this one single occasion, to calm yourself down, have a sneaky cigarette by your car. Just to rally yourself for another game of charades.
Hold it together for now and then scream at your therapist
Hold it together for now and then scream at your therapist
You are an adult and you have adult solutions to adult problems. You've got your therapist on speed dial for today, you know you're going to pay extra but you don't care. It'll be worth it.
Booze. All of it.
Booze. All of it.
Why mess with a classic, am I right? If it's good enough for every other awkward and terrible encounter throughout history, then it's good enough for you right now. Make sure you sleep it off before going home though!
Xanax. Just one does the trick.
Xanax. Just one does the trick.
Good bless science, medicine, and your friend who got a prescription for them when they had their wisdom teeth out but didn't take them all. You'll only need one and everything will come up roses for the rest of the day!
Chocolate until you can't move any more
Chocolate until you can't move any more
You're not a teenager anymore, but chocolate has always been a steadfast friend in your time of need. Today is no different. You put out the call, and there it is--three snickers bars back to back. Hello darkness, my old friend.
Make arrangements for next year right now.
Make arrangements for next year right now.
Welp you tried it, but next year you're going to Barbados. Book it now, today, right here in your drive way, screaming curse words at the heavens. You will never do this again. You will never regret this decision.