Which Of Santa's Reindeer Pairs Are You And Your Significant Other?
Which Of Santa's Reindeer Pairs Are You And Your Significant Other?
Prancer and Dancer? Donner and Blitzen? Find out how YOU and your loved one would help pull Santa's sleigh!
Prancer and Dancer? Donner and Blitzen? Find out how YOU and your loved one would help pull Santa's sleigh!

It's a Christmas Emergency and Santa needs YOU! How can you help?
Describe your significant other;
Pick a vacation for you and your partner;
Pick a date for you and your loved one-
You and your significant other get into a fight; how do you make it up?
Do you buy each other Christmas gifts?
How do you two celebrate the holidays?
Pick a couple that reminds you of you and your loved one;
And finally-what do you want for Christmas?
You got Rudolph! You help Santa find his way!
Okay so you're single, but who cares? You are ESSENTIAL in this operation. You show others the way. You shine bright to your friends and loved ones and one day someone will appreciate you for the star you are. You're freakin Rudolph. You win.
Dancer and Prancer!
Dancer and Prancer!
Dancer-The agile one, Santa's dance partner
Prancer-The light foot, the most graceful one!
You are Dancer and Prancer! Right behind Rudolph, you are graceful and agile and you make sure the sleigh doesn't go off course! The pair of you are dedicated, caring, and make a fantastic couple!
Donner And Blitzen!
Donner And Blitzen!
Donner-The Thunderous! Santa's favorite carol singer!
Blitzen- The lightning burst! Charges everyone up!
You two are balls of energy! You are the real engine that drives the sleigh-and you drive each other to be the best versions of yourselves you can be! People never get tired of the two of you bringing all the power!
Cupid And Comet!
Cupid And Comet!
Cupid-The Lover. Spreads love and cheer!
Comet-The Charmer. Easygoing and lovable!
You two are the friendliest couple around! You give love to everyone you're around and they love you right back! You light Christmas up!
Dasher And Vixen!
Dasher And Vixen!
Dasher-bursts of speed helps Santa go extra fast!
Vixen-The playful trickster!
The two of you help Santa rocket into the sky! You're quick, witty, and love to have fun. People love to be around you two because you make everything an adventure!