Which Twilight Reimagined Vampire Are You?
Which Twilight Reimagined Vampire Are You?
Are you the mysterious Edythe, or the cold Royal?
Are you the mysterious Edythe, or the cold Royal?

Which was your favourite Cullen from the original series?
How much would you want to be a vampire?
What are your feelings on relationships?
What lengths would you go to to protect your family?
How easily do you make new friends?
What's most important to you in life?
What's your best trait?
What would your dream career be?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
How do you behave when you fancy someone?
How do you feel about kids?
How do you feel about Beau, previously Bella, Swan?
How do you feel about the controversial man bun?
You are Edythe! Previously Edward, she is sophisticated, mysterious and constantly saving Beau from the dangerous situations that gets himself into. How long you've been alive means that you are worldly, intelligent and probably love to travel. People also tend to fall at your feet!
You are Eleanor! Previously Emmett, you are confident, sporty and everyone loves you. You have a likeability factor that gets you far in life and you tend to be welcoming to everyone that you meet. You have a habit of making jokes even when the situation doesn't call for it, but everyone has to lighten the mood sometimes!
You are Jessamine! Previously Jasper, she tends to be more withdrawn than the other Cullens. You're shy when meeting new people but quickly come out of your shell when comfortable! Well-intentioned and with a good heart, it may take you a while to make friends because of how quiet you are but when you do, you're friends for life.
You are Archie! Previously Alice, he is forward and forthcoming. You are extraverted, with no problem approaching people to make friends. You care deeply about those you love and have an uncanny habit of knowing them so well that you can predict their next move before they even make it.
You are Royal! Previously Rosalie, he has a tendency to be unwelcoming to those that are new to him. You are too, but it's only because you love the people in your life and want to protect them. You are strong, resilient and, most important, you always know how to get what you want.