Only 4% of Americans can pas this IQ Albanian test.
Only 4% of Americans can pas this IQ Albanian test.
Only 4% of Americans of this world can pas this Albanian test.Can you?(Words are Albanian.Find the correct one.(10 Questions.))
Only 4% of Americans of this world can pas this Albanian test.Can you?(Words are Albanian.Find the correct one.(10 Questions.))
Created by Persea Malaveci (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 20, 2018
Pick the right word.(Words are Albanian.)-popular.
What color is Albania in this photo?
What color is Albanian flag?
Pick the right word.-red
What langue Albanian talk?
Pick the right word.-lightning.
Pick the right word.-flag.
Pick the right word.-eagle
Pick the right word.-star
Pick the right word.-orangutan
You are an Albanian master!!!
You are an Albanian master!!!
Sorry but........No.
Sorry but........No.
You are good,but no so good.
You are good,but no so good.
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