Are You A Music Guru And Can You Identify These Lyrics From Famous Songs?
Are You A Music Guru And Can You Identify These Lyrics From Famous Songs?
The final test to know your knowledge about music!
The final test to know your knowledge about music!
Which band has a song with the lyrics: Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
In one of her more famous songs, Madona claims that she is a ....
Which song of the Beatles starts with "When I find myself in times of trouble"?
People always told me be careful of what you do... Is the lyric of a song by:
Which band dosn´t know what is wrong with the world today?
"Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention"
"You could have done better but I don't mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time" are the lyrics from which Bob Dylan`s song?
You don't know what it's like, baby
You don't know what it's like to....
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me on the phone...
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go...
Music Guru
Music Guru
You are the final Music Guru!! The one we were looking for all these years! You know too many songs and lyrics that we cannot believe it! Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, you have heard it all! We are proud of you and we think you need some kind of recognition or something. We will think about, but for now, go and play that amazing tune!
Music Enthusiast
Music Enthusiast
You did really well. Is not easy to know all these different genders. The radio is a good way to improve your knowledge for next time, but you have to know which station to choose. I like the ones with all these greatest hits from every era, that are the best! Anyways, good job. You are totally a Music Enthusiast!
Please don´t!
Please don´t!
Please don´t try to play any song in your friend´s party! Or maybe you can, but say sorry to them. Is a joke, you don´t have to know the lyrics to have good taste in music. Maybe you would be a very good Dj. You just forget the lyrics, probably that´s it! Anyways, try to do a test about something else next time!