What % Bold Are You?
What % Bold Are You?
How bold a person are you really? I mean can you actually confront how you feel!
How bold a person are you really? I mean can you actually confront how you feel!

If you had to plant a seed in someone's mind would be it selfless or selfish?
What does the term bold actually mean to you?
Ok you see someone in a bar and you like them do you talk or not talk?
If you had to dance in front of many people how would you feel?
Are you in the middle of the dance floor or at the edge?
How do you feel about your wardrobe?
If you were not happy with something at work would you tell someone?
If you could radiate a colour what would it be?
Being bold means...
How far would you go to get what you want?
100% BOLD
100% BOLD
You are the four letter word BOLD in a nutshell! You couldn't be more bold if you tried and this is why you are where you are in this world. People might feel scared around you as you are so confident and bold. You know exactly what you want and how to get it. You listen to yourself and don't take no for an answer!
25% Bold
25% Bold
You often struggle to say what you really feel and mean. Bold might be a difficult word to find in your dictionary. We all need to take a few breathing steps to get more confident but really listening to yourself will help you be in better situations.
75% BOLd
75% BOLd
You are a pretty bold bean! Sometimes you find yourself doing things you are not 100% into but this doesn't matter as you need to learn a tiny bit more about what you really want. Bold isn't a tricky word for you but we could always be a bit brighter and bolder couldn't we!
50% BOld
50% BOld
You are bold when you need to be but when it comes to asking that really cute person out that you saw in the coffee shop you struggle to make those connections. You are bold in your career but in your personal life being bold is often a struggle. Take this quiz as a point to learn more about being more confident and taking that extra step!