This Weirdo Test Will Tell Us What Part Alien You Are?

Do you ever feel like you are not part of this planet? Join us on our journey of self-discovery into the unknown alien realm.

Created by Lp1987
On Apr 22, 2019
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100% Alien

100% Alien

You are 100% an alien species. We love that you are connected to another universe and this quiz has just confirmed it. You often feel like an outsider and that is because you actually don't. You might have landed in a vessel years ago and have been trying to figure out your difference for years so we help this quiz eases your telepathic mind a little.

50% Alien

50% Alien

You are slightly alien but you are not yet fully in-tune with your whole alien tendencies. You sometimes get a calling from another life source but this is just you tapping into your alien senses. If you were to unlock and listen to them a bit more we could guarantee that you might become a 100% alien species.

100% Human

100% Human

You are a human and this is fact. Your feet and soul is on this planet and you are definitely from planet earth. You have no alien tendencies and your mind is logical and not telepathic. You do not feel connected to other worlds and this is why being a humanoid is exactly what you are and where you belong.

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