Could You Pass A 10 Question Canadian Citizenship Test?
Could You Pass A 10 Question Canadian Citizenship Test?
If you actually did flee to Canada, would they let you in? You need 8 or more to pass.
If you actually did flee to Canada, would they let you in? You need 8 or more to pass.

Created by Lp1987
On Aug 16, 2016
1 / 10
What is the national animal of Canada?
2 / 10
Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
3 / 10
How many sides does the Canadian maple leaf have?
4 / 10
Which of these answers does the Canadian citizenship NOT grant you?
5 / 10
What is the capital city of British Colombia?
6 / 10
Where does the word Canada originate from?
7 / 10
When did Canada declare Independence?
8 / 10
What are the three branches of the Canadian government?
9 / 10
What are the 3 main indigenous groups in Canada called?
10 / 10
Which province is officially the ONLY bilingual province?
Questions left
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