This Movie Screen Shot Test Will Determine How Sensitive You Are
This Movie Screen Shot Test Will Determine How Sensitive You Are
This image test will determine how sensitive you are. Just take the quiz and find out!
This image test will determine how sensitive you are. Just take the quiz and find out!
Love is...
When you feel lost, you feel...
If you were stuck in a lift for a day, who would you talk to?
Break ups make you feel?
If someone criticises your character you...
The end of the world looks like...
If your world gets turned upside down, you feel?
The meaning of life is...
You are a sensitive soul and most situations in life will touch on those soft heart strings. You are truly in touch with your emotions and can't help but blab and blubber when you feel the slightest bit emotional. Life can seem so difficult but it is only because your sensitive soul feels everything so deeply. This is an excellent quality as it allows you to constantly be in touch with how your feel and your emotions.
Constant Crier
Constant Crier
You tend to hold back your tears until you feel gushing waterfalls running down your cheeks. Feeling sensitive is nothing you should be ashamed of and it is this beautiful sensitivity that you have that allows you to touch on how you really feel and connect deeply with others. You can hold the tears but when it rains it pours.
Teary Eyed
Teary Eyed
You are a softly sensitive soul who tends to hide in the dark before expressing how you really feel. Life might have thrown a few knocks at you so you are a strong cookie who understands when to break down and when not to. There are few situations that will get you blubbing, but you tend to deal with things in silence and processing your sensitive thoughts internally rather than externally.
Hard faced
Hard faced
You are hard faced and very few things will break the tears in your eyes. You can face cold blooded murder and be able to deal with it. Life has thrown its punches so your ability to face difficult situations is not something that you find tricky to deal with. You are the sturdy rock in most difficult situations and will make your own sensitive and emotionally journey when needs be and in your own time.