Can You Pass The ULTIMATE Kill Bill Quiz?
Can You Pass The ULTIMATE Kill Bill Quiz?
Think you are the ultimate fan? Let's take a Samurai sword and see!
Think you are the ultimate fan? Let's take a Samurai sword and see!

Created by Lp1987
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 15
What is The Bride's codename?
2 / 15
Who is first on The Bride's list?
3 / 15
Where does The Bride go to get her sword?
4 / 15
How long was The Bride in the coma for?
5 / 15
Who killed O-Ren's father?
6 / 15
What is Bill's daughter called?
7 / 15
What is Bill's codename?
8 / 15
What is Vernita Green's daughter called?
9 / 15
Who almost injects The Bride with poison while she is in a coma?
10 / 15
What is Buck's truck called?
11 / 15
Whose grave is the bridge placed in?
12 / 15
Who trains The Bride?
13 / 15
How does The Bride kill Bill?
14 / 15
How old is Gogo Yubari
15 / 15
What was the name of the man The Bride was going to marry?
Questions left
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