Can You Remember These Darkly Dramatic Plotlines from British Soaps?
Can You Remember These Darkly Dramatic Plotlines from British Soaps?
Are you an obsessive soap fan? How well can you remember these classic British Soap storylines!
Are you an obsessive soap fan? How well can you remember these classic British Soap storylines!

Ronnie Branning's 'baby swap' storyline was so controversial because ...
Hollyoaks tackled a sensitive subject when a late-night episode showed Luke Morgan involved in ...
Brookside broke boundries when Beth Jordache and Margaret did what?
Toyah Battersby's controversial storyline caused a media frenzy because she ...
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Mark Fowler caused a storm with this plot line that lasted over a decade. What was it?
Sarah Platt was the centre of attention in this storyline when she ...
Brookside broke boundries with this controversial plot when siblings Nat and Georgia were found ...
Whitney got into a bit of trouble when her step-father turned out to be a ...
Emmerdale got deep with this emotional plot line involving Jackson Walsh. What happened?
Loretta Jones was involved in a which plot line that was axed from Hollyoakes due to severe complaints?
Phil Mitchell has always been a wayward cause but what storyline took him over the edge?
Hollyoakes went a step too far when they introduced the character of Kevin Smith who claimed he was ...
This softly spoken geeky child, caused a controversy when he became a ...