Do You Have Unreal Expectations From People?
Do You Have Unreal Expectations From People?
How high are your expectations of humans? Do you feel that you always deserve or want more from people. Take this quiz and let's see what your limits and feelings really are.
How high are your expectations of humans? Do you feel that you always deserve or want more from people. Take this quiz and let's see what your limits and feelings really are.
You are out on a first date, who pays?
Are you ever really content when you are dating?
What do you want out of your carreer?
How important is it to you that all your friends come to your wedding?
Do you think you are above queing?
If you are in an argument, must you always have the last word?
Do you always dream of something better and bigger?
Do you give to people in order to recieve?
Are you dreaming of a superpower quality?
How happy are you?
Unreal Expector
Unreal Expector
You have incredibly high expectations of people and this can be a good but also a bad thing. You don't mean to feel this way but you can't help but give and want to support everyone around you, but in return you often expect the same from other people. People are not the same as you so you need to remember that they can't always give you what you want. This is an important life lesson but once you crack it, we can guarantee you will be happier.
Real Expector
Real Expector
Well done, you have crafted this important life skill of learning to have no expectations from people. You know that everyone on this planet has their own life going on and you realize that people can give you just what you need. You might of learnt this the hard way but we are proud that you have. Keep up your faith in you and being the best version of yourself and when people can give you what they can, enjoy it!