Could You Graduate From Law School Today?
Could You Graduate From Law School Today?
Do you think you could really pass the barrister bar?
Do you think you could really pass the barrister bar?

Do you believe in moral duty?
What kind of law does not exist from below?
Can you go to jail for manslaughter?
Do you know what passion crime means?
One of the first written pieces of law in recorded history is known as 'Hammarubi's Code', from 1792BC. But who was Hammarubi?
What is the difference between Common law and Roman law?
Do you know who wrote the first set of laws in the world?
Where were the first lawyers born?
A lawyer is also called ...
What is a pro-bono?
A defence lawyer...
A prosecuting lawyer...
1st class honours
1st class honours
You could save the world with your Human rights skills + lawful needs. Congratulations clever clogs. If anyone should be in the court room it is you. You can save people, change the world and be morally just in all your actions. Well done and keep spreading that moral justice.
Barrister Bar
Barrister Bar
Well done you just passed this quiz and you might not make the best lawyer but we definitely want to see you in the court room standing up for justice. If you keep studying hard, you can definitely make it past the law board! Well done!
Cloakroom not Courtroom
Cloakroom not Courtroom
We think you would be better off in other places rather than a courtroom. We all have certain skills and this just proves that you don't need to flourish in this area. Keep working on your own thing and we can guide you in the right direction away from the courtroom.