How Many Religions Do You Know Based On These Images?
How Many Religions Do You Know Based On These Images?
Let's test your symbol skills and see how many world religions you know.
Let's test your symbol skills and see how many world religions you know.
What religious faith includes this tradition?
Which faith might you find this symbol related to?
What religion does this image belong to?
What kind of church does this belong to?
Which church does this symbol belong to?
Who might this man belong to?
Where might this shrine be found?
Where does this symbology belong?
This imagery is a part of which faith?
Which god is this lady praying to?
Religious Consultant
Religious Consultant
You could be a religious consultant. You know all these religions and everything about them. We are happy that you exist in this world and can keep educating and informing people about the diversity of god. Perhaps in the next life you could have your own religion.
Heavenly Unaware
Heavenly Unaware
You don't know much about religions but you also don't care much. You prefer to be on the other side of society and play by your own rules. Life is for you and not governed by anyone else. Religion causes chaos anyway so you prefer to believe in the environment and nature around you.