How Much Freedom Do You Really Have in This World?
How Much Freedom Do You Really Have in This World?
What do you feel traps you in this world and how far can you push it to achieve what you want? Are you a slave to your sofa and cellphone or can you break free from those cyber shackles?
What do you feel traps you in this world and how far can you push it to achieve what you want? Are you a slave to your sofa and cellphone or can you break free from those cyber shackles?

Would you say you are in control of your time?
What makes you feel the most free?
How would you choose to move if you could?
Do you ever speak openly to people you disagree with?
Your ideal escape would be...
Do you ever feel like you are trapped?
How often do you look at the screen?
Where is your happy place?
What do you like to do with people?
City Freedom
City Freedom
You can find the right balance of freedom from your laptop and nature in the city. You love to work and be sociable and do many things but you also know when it is time to stop. You can close your notebook and go for a swim or a lovely walk in nature to find that personal freedom you need.
Open Wanderer
Open Wanderer
You have learnt the art of switching off completely. You love to disconnect and you actually don't have many social media platforms. The fact you are doing this quiz is even quite shocking!
Cyber Shackles
Cyber Shackles
You find it hard to switch off. You are addicted to your phone and your work. You think you are free but your mind is shackled to the internet world and what is not real. Try meditating and switching off to enforce your freedom and you will find greater happiness.