How Much Of A Stress Head Are You?

What are you stress levels? Can you keep calm in most situations or is life a daily stressful chore?

Created by Lp1987
On Mar 17, 2016

What do your to do lists look like?

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

How does this make you feel?

When you look at this gif, how much do you feel you can relate to it?

It is time to organise your birthday party, how do you feel?

You have a meeting at 5pm. The time is 4:55pm and you are still twenty minutes away, how do you feel?

It is decision time. You have been offered the job of a lifetime but it means moving to a different country , how do you feel?

What is your favourite type of music?

What does your wardrobe look like?

Unbelievably stressed

Unbelievably stressed

Your stress levels are way above average and sometimes you feel like your drowning in all the stuff you have to do. You are extremely productive in the mornings after a few cups of coffee and writing your to do lists and tidying your room definitely makes you feel more relaxed. Don’t worry though, high levels of stress are amazing for productivity - just remember to take a few minutes doing something you love to relax yourself every day.

Stressed out

Stressed out

You are mildly stressed but you can snap out of situations quite easily. You hate being late and can be really indecisive about simple decisions such as organising your own birthday party. Everything has a solution in your world which immediately cuts your stress levels down in times of need!



Stress is definitely at the bottom of your non-existant to do list. You are as zen as a Buddhist's baby. You are chilled out and take life as it comes meaning very few things will make you anxious. You like to live in the moment and exude confidence that things will all work out in the end - so why stress?

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021