How Old Do You Act?
How Old Do You Act?
Act your age? Take the test and find out!
Act your age? Take the test and find out!

You are on a first date with someone and you need to burp, what do you do?
You are channel surfing the T.V, what do you decide to watch?
Where do you live?
Your ideal birthday party is ...
What do you look for most in a partner?
How would you describe your style?
What do you prefer to do in your spare time?
You just got paid, what do you do?
How would you describe your music taste?
You are sweet 16. You are young at heart and a natural born rebel. You love breaking the rules and exploring everything that you could possibly imagine. Refusing to grow up means you life every day as if it were your last and you never think about the future. You are bold, confident and you think your shit don't stink. You love hanging out with your friends, arguing with your parents, listening to music really loud and cannot wait for the weekend to snog your latest crush! No matter your age, getting older is never an option!
You are 24, hot and loving it! You are free spirited, fun and love looking good. You love going out partying and talking philosophy with your closest hipster pals! You stress out about daily issues and can't seem to be in the moment as you are always thinking about your next career move or is this person the one for me! You live life on the edge and are never afraid of the next adventure or the next partner. Your spontaneity and zest for life is what will keep you young forever!
You are 34 and loving it! Yes say goodbye to the doubtful 20's and the stressful teens. You are in your thirties and could not be happier. You know exactly what you want and how to get it. You don't waste any time on people who are not your closest buds and you are on your high flying career path. Happily single or happily married, 34 is the age when it all makes sense! The road to success from this point is plain sailing and you are coming to understand what life is really about! Thank god!
You are relaxed and cool at the age of 42! You have a stress-free life and you know what really matters. You enjoy life to the max and take pleasure in your daily chores and the simple things in life. You know your skin inside out and you live a life of leisure and pleasure. You know what love is and look for a caring partner who will be there no matter what. Having reached the mature age we are all aiming for, you have learnt the secret of life and to not care about anything or anyone that doesn't really matter to you! Oh the joys of ageing wisdom!