The Ultimate Mind Over Matter Quiz To Determine Your Life Priorities
The Ultimate Mind Over Matter Quiz To Determine Your Life Priorities
What REALLY matters to you?
What REALLY matters to you?
When I really want something...
Everyone and everything is connected
Fate or Free will?
I am more easily...
I love to worship...
I have strong intuition
I am most in tune with...
You have an annoying chore to complete, but you are tucked up in bed, how much money would you get up and out of bed for to finish it?
How often do you surprise yourself?
What do you think determines success?
Your priority in life is feel like you belong to something bigger than you - so being part of a community is high in your list of priorities. You love learning from and being surrounded by people from all walks of life and you know that the thing that enriches your life the most is being in their presence.
Your life priority revolves around your career and you are the happiest when you’re focusing on your job. This doesn’t mean that you’re a calculating, ambitious person - although you might well be - it just means that you find fulfilment in your career as well as your life. Other people might live for the weekend but you find the joy in every moment of your 9-5 and can’t wait for Mondays to come around again.
Your priority in life is to feel one with yourself and the universe. You’re always pursuing different ways to grasp that elusive sense of peace that you know lies within. You’re profoundly connected with nature and the world, and fully understand your place within it.
Your priority in life is to find love and, more than just keep it, grow in and with it. You know that love is the strongest power in life and so you look to be guided by it in every decision you make. You treat everyone with gentleness and consideration because you are profoundly empathetic.