This Life Question Quiz Will Reveal Which Philosopher Aligns With Your World View
This Life Question Quiz Will Reveal Which Philosopher Aligns With Your World View
The many dilemmas of the universe often can't be answered. Take this difficult quiz and find out which great philosopher you're most like.
The many dilemmas of the universe often can't be answered. Take this difficult quiz and find out which great philosopher you're most like.

What came first?
Is there life after death?
Is it worse to fail at something or never try at all?
Do we create our own destiny?
What is the meaning of life?
What is true happiness?
Do we have a soul?
Who defines good and evil?
Does nature shape our personalites more than nurture?
You are Aristotle.
Aristotle believed that knowledge is attained through experience and it is our intuition that defines the truth. Aristotle also believed that all living things also had souls. He believed humans had three souls and that the goal of life was happiness. His philosophy stresses on biology instead of mathematics and that the world is made up of individuals that are part of a larger form.
This means that you're an organised, empathetic and rational person, dedicated to the pursuit of happiness, and your understanding of the world as interconnected means that you're always aware of the bigger picture.
You are Nietzsche
There is nothing beyond this world and we live and we die. “God is Dead” is Nietzsche’s famous claim and he was convinced that traditional values represented a “slave morality” where a morality is created by weak individuals who encourage kindness because this behaviour favour each individuals interests. He believed that by combining strength, intellect and creativity humans could make the world better. Nietzsche said that Plato started the decay of society as he suggested that there was another reality beyond this world. Nietzsche believed that in life there is only reality and that people should live life as if it were a work of art.
Like Nietzsche, you are empowered by humanity's potential and live every day to try and achieve your own, vast potential.
You are Plato
Plato believed that there are constant unchanging truths in the world and a universe exists beyond our reality. An example of unchanging truths might be that there are many different breeds of horses in the world but there are definite things that define the “horseness” about them all. He also felt that it was the philosopher’s job to open people’s eyes to the truth and help them be better people. Plato felt humans had intellectual powers and that we were all created equal. He also believed in an unseen world where there existed perfect models of everything on earth.
Like Plato, you believe in an essential morality which you try to live your life by - you are also an inquisitive soul who loves to debate and discuss complex ideas.
You are Kant
Kant believed that knowledge came from experience and wanted to explore how the mind works and reveal what reality is. His school of thought is called transcendental idealism and this was a revolutionary way of thinking. He believed that there is no such thing as an objective reality, and that we can only say what reality is to each individual person as each human mind works differently. He said that space and time are “irremovable goggles” and there is nothing to be found in the world, it is all just part of minds organising system.
Like Kant, your philosophy is rooted in subjective experience, and there can be no single truth. This means you have a nuanced understanding of how and why people act they way they do, and this informs your every interaction with people.