What Geographical Temperate Zone Do These Photos Belong To?
What Geographical Temperate Zone Do These Photos Belong To?
How well can you match your geography to your landscapes?
How well can you match your geography to your landscapes?
Where might you find this temperate zone?
What part of the world might your find these icy friends?
Which region of the world contains these kinds of mountains?
Where can you find these limestone rocks?
Which country is home to the famous fjord?
Which part of the world has landscapes like this?
Which zone of the world is home to this coastline?
Which part of the world features this lovely backdrop?
This oasis will be found in which temperate zone?
Where might you find these amazing lights?
Which U.S state includes this backdrop?
These mountains can be found in...
Where might these cherry blossoms be native to?
World Class Explorer
World Class Explorer
Congratulations! You just aced this quiz and we know you are a global human of the world. You can recognise all these climates and natural habitats based on these photos. You have either travelled the globe or studied your atlas rather intensely. There is nothing you love more than discovering the world and this quiz just proved it!
Back to School
Back to School
Well done but not well done enough. You just flunked this geography quiz and don't know your glaciers from your mountains. The world is a big old place and we know it is hard to understand but take out your atlas or get on the world wild web and start researching your climates and temperate zones.
Where might you find this temperate zone?