What Is Your Life Flow Of Energy?
What Is Your Life Flow Of Energy?
Are you a rushing waterfall or a still lake? What is your life flow of energy?
Are you a rushing waterfall or a still lake? What is your life flow of energy?
Inner Flow
Inner Flow
Your life flow of energy comes from the source of the inner self. You are a true light force and what guides you is your inner spirit and energy. You know when you need to stop and re-charge your body and mind. Your source and what keeps you afloat is yourself and you know how much energy you must give to yourself. Keep calm and recharge your power when you need it for this is your true life source.
Outer Flow
Outer Flow
What guides you is the strength and movement power of the stars. You are driven by the force of the universe and you need a strong connection to the sky, wind and stars to feel recharged. Nothing guides you more than meditating at night and feeling the need and rush to connect with the source. Your energy comes from above and you know exactly how to use it.
Natural Flow
Natural Flow
Your life energy comes from your surroundings and the universe that is around you. You need all the elements of nature in order to feel truly at peace and full of energy. Without a mind and body connection to nature you cannot operate and you must have a strong relationship to nature. Water, fire, earth and wind all recharge your batteries and simple tasks such as a walk in the park gives you your source to continue and start the day a fresh.