What Is Your Secret Artistic Purpose In Life?
What Is Your Secret Artistic Purpose In Life?
Do you feel like you know what you are meant to do in this world? We all have a creative channel but sometimes we just need to explore it a little. Take this simple quiz and see where it leads you!
Do you feel like you know what you are meant to do in this world? We all have a creative channel but sometimes we just need to explore it a little. Take this simple quiz and see where it leads you!

Ideas can be communicated through...
Art is something that is...
The creation of matter comes from...
Headspace to create looks something like...
The most vibrant colour in the room is...
The fabric of life is...
What pattern makes your mind think?
What texture do you like to play with?
If you could create a portrait of your life, it would look like...
Which world do you relate to?
Your creativity should be channeled via your ability to read, write and talk. You are a brilliant thinker and your mind has an excellent database of ideas that need to be expressed. Whether you want to read, write, act or create poetry all these creative skills reflect your talents and your artistic purpose in life. Start thinking and communicate your ideas to the world.
Fabrics, colours and clothes are where you have your strength. You love to see the world through the lens of a costume designer. Whether you are decorating a space, your own body or creating garments for a play, you love using your hands and creating things that people can wear or are used in spaces. Your creative skill lies in textures and colours so start exploring this field if you are not already and unleash your potential!
Natural Material
Natural Material
You creative purpose in life is to work with natural materials. Whether it be creating your own workspace from wood or gardening your balcony plants you love to use your hands and put the natural world into the man-made space. Keep exploring these hobbies and we can guarantee you will find your true artistic calling.
Creative Colours
Creative Colours
Colours and paints are what inspire you in this world. You love to draw, paint or construct. You are a crafty creative and your artistic purpose is to be expressed through colour and canvas. Whether your canvas is a wall, a stage or a board, all materials can be your platform to express what you truly feel.