What Kind Of Deep Sea Creature Defines Your Personality?

Do you ever feel like you are a creature of the dark and the deep? What might you be hiding in the shadows? Let's fish it out and see!

Created by Lp1987
On Oct 18, 2018

If you were caught in a fight where would you hide?

When you are feeling shy and nervous, how do you portray yourself to others?

The abyss provokes what kind of feeling inside?

If you were unhappy in your working situation what would you do?

Would you say you were a creature of comfort?

What colours do you vibrate and radiate?

The safest place for you in the world is...

How do you tend to roll?

When in a dark period of life, what clutters your mind?

The brightest fish in the box is...

Sting Ray

Sting Ray

You are a surfing sting ray who likes to lay low on the bottom of the ocean floor and come up for air occasionally. You tend to keep yourself to yourself but like to interact with others when you feel it is necessary. You glide through life and drift between social circles and relationships. You are easy to get along with but when someone does you wrong there is a strong and dangerous sting in your tail.

Jelly Fish

Jelly Fish

You are a floating and vibrant jelly fish that bounces around life. You love seeing where the water takes you and nothing makes you happier than bopping into different worlds and circles. You are electric and people always want your radiant light near. People might find it hard to pin you down but it is because you are always floating around seeing what is on offer.



You are a loyal turtle who likes to keep things close to home. You don't tend to go far from your nest and like to stick to your own people. You are slow and soft and a great listener. You like to stay close to the surface for air and people really love your patient and kind character.



You really live at the bottom of the ocean and will stay there until you are asked to leave. You love creature comforts and have everything that you need around you. You don't tend to branch out into the world without knowing where you are going but this is what keeps you grounded and humble at all times.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021