What Really Matters To You In Terms Of Love?
What Really Matters To You In Terms Of Love?
How do you feel when it comes to love?
How do you feel when it comes to love?

What do your past relationships sound like?
What do you value in a partner?
Love is...
What is your role model of a perfect relationship?
When you meet someone, what do you judge at first meeting?
Do you believe in love forever?
How often do you fall in love?
What do you want from another human?
How do you want to be loved?
You have come to a point in your life where you realise that you want security in your love life. You want to be with someone who will provide you with a feeling of stability and security. You need someone calm, centred and level headed and this will be the key to your love happiness.
You love beautiful things and beautiful people. You find people's presence very important and you want to be with someone who knows who they are and what they want. You are attracted to people who look after themselves and this is your greatest need in love.
You love being with someone humble and quiet, peaceful and kind. You want someone who values your every word and will never let their ego get in the way of your relationship. You have been through the ropes and have come to the conclusion that you love and need this.
You have realised that above all in your love life you need freedom. You need to be with someone who understands your needs and what you want. You need someone who has carved their own path and knows where they are going. Freedom is your key to love and you need it to really be with someone.