Are You Navy SEAL Material?
Are You Navy SEAL Material?
Find out if there is a chance for you to become a SEAL.
Find out if there is a chance for you to become a SEAL.
How many hours of physical activity do you do each week?
I am scared of...
What would you do if someone broke into your house?
What is your favorite activity?
Are you willing to give up your life for your nation?
What do you do when it is late at night and you are tired, but you still have work to finish?
How would you describe yourself?
What is your favorite season?
You are SEAL material!
You are SEAL material!
Your physical and mental strengths truly reflect your high-leveled skills. Go through SEAL training, and possibly join the Navy SEALs!
You Aren't quite SEAL material
You Aren't quite SEAL material
Although you seem to have some physical and mental strength, you need to work harder to master these skills. Keep working hard on polishing your technique and expertise. Try to complete SEAL training, and perhaps you could become a SEAL.
You don't have a chance of becoming a Navy SEAL
You don't have a chance of becoming a Navy SEAL
You seem to only exercise a few hours a week, that will not cut it in SEAL training. You are not fit to be a Navy SEAL, you should find another career path.