Can you pass the hero leauge test?
Can you pass the hero leauge test?
Do you have the heroic traits to pass?
Do you have the heroic traits to pass?
Created by luke (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 21, 2017
What do you do with your powers?
Do you like training?
Do you have trouble defeating villains?
What do you do when you see a villain who apparently doesn't see you?
What do you do during the weekend?
What do you see?
What do you do when a person says they know you have powers?
What are your grades?
Why do you like group projects?
More lazy or active?
And finally what should you use for blowing up a enemy base?
50% to 100
50% to 100
Congratulations! You passed!!! We will look forward to seeing you at the hero league soon!
0% to 49%
0% to 49%
Sorry! You didn't pass! Hopefully you may get better some day!
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