Which Rogue One Rebel Are You?
Which Rogue One Rebel Are You?
This ragtag band of rebels has a lot of heart and a lot of power, but which one will you most closely identify with?
This ragtag band of rebels has a lot of heart and a lot of power, but which one will you most closely identify with?

Let's say you're fighting a war in space. What is your weapon of choice?
And in this space war, what kind of job would you like to have (if you don't have the option to conscientiously object)?
Which original trilogy rebel is your favorite?
You come face to face with Darth Vader. What do you do first?
Which is your favorite Star Wars film (other than Rogue One)?
An enemy soldier in the space war comes to you and tells you they're a defector and have vital information for your rebellion. What do you do?
Choose your favorite Star Wars Quote:
Do you believe in a higher power?
Your base's city is under attack. Who do you evacuate first?
Jyn Erso
Jyn Erso
You may have a slightly rough exterior, but hey, so does everyone else here. You're willing to do whatever it takes and make any sacrifice to do what's right. You're a truly selfless individual in spite of what you may have been through. You're a natural leader, although you may not believe it of yourself. But rest assured, the people around you know it even if you don't.
Captain Cassian Andor
Captain Cassian Andor
You are a pragmatist. You do what needs to be done. You're experienced, dependable, and you won't crack under any amount of pressure. But your strength is the strength of those around you, and people always know they can count on you to carry them through and keep them going. You're truly a rock.
Bodhi Rook
Bodhi Rook
You may seem like just an average Joe at first glance, and you may not feel like you have much to offer, but you have a lot of determination, a lot of bravery, and a lot of common sense, and that counts for a lot. You constantly surprise the people around you by being incredibly helpful, and it's a shame if they underestimate you because you're truly a valuable asset to any team.
You speak your mind freely, and it's a joy to get to experience your sense of humor. You may be kind of grumpy, but you're full of good advice and a really fun person to be around. You're amusing and clever, but you're also, deep down, a really loyal friend who'd do anything for the people you love, and they love you just as much.
Chirrut Imwe
Chirrut Imwe
You are a true believer. Your spiritual energy is a light and a healing force to all who come into contact with you. Your optimism brightens even the darkest of days and hearts, and it means so much to those who love you to have you during bad times and good. Your head may be in the clouds, but your heart is firmly with the people you love, and it shows in all you do!
Baze Malbus
Baze Malbus
You're one of the most grounded people around. Your dedication to your friends is first and foremost in your book. Wherever your loved ones go, you go, and if anyone tries to mess with one of your people, you're going to make sure they regret it. You are a truly dedicated friend and a powerhouse of an ally to have. If you sometimes feel unappreciated, you can rest assured, they do appreciate you and don't know what they'd do without you.
Saw Gerrera
Saw Gerrera
You have an extreme personality and a flair for the dramatic. Everything you do has your whole heart in it, and the results definitely show that. Some may question your methods, but it's hard to argue with the results. You are fearless and that fearlessness will carry you far. You're definitely destined for greatness.
Galen Erso
Galen Erso
You're a scientist and a thinker. It's hard to argue with your logic, and it will help you a lot when you're in a tight spot. Even when it feels like there's no way out, your brain will help you find a way to make things work. You may seem cold and distant at times to friends and family, but it's only because you're constantly trying to find new ways to act in their best interest, even if that means isolating yourself from them. Don't, though. They're definitely better off having you around.