Do You Remember These Small Details From The Breakfast Club?
Do You Remember These Small Details From The Breakfast Club?
Can you get at least 12/17 in this Brat Pack quiz?
Can you get at least 12/17 in this Brat Pack quiz?

In what year does The Breakfast Club take place?
Where does the story take place?
Who is Richard Vernon?
Who is the state champion wrestler?
The five students are assigned with a:
What must the essay describe?
Who retrieves the cannabis from his locker?
Andrew cannot easily think for himself.
Who comes from an abusive household?
Pick the correct statement:
Who was planning to kill himself with a flare gun due to a bad grade?
______ father verbally and physically abuses him.
Who is a virgin who feels constant pressure from her friends?
Andrew's ______ pushes him and criticizes his efforts at wrestling.
How does Claire break her innocent image?
Who kiss when the students part ways?
And finally, who says: "My God, are we gonna be like our parents?"